In light of states beginning to reopen and more employees returning to the workplace, the CDC has created a webpage called “COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings,” which provides guidance to employers, building owners and managers, and building operations specialists on how to safely reopen office buildings. The CDC recommends that employers do the following:

  • Check the building to see if it is ready for occupancy.
  • Identify where and how workers might be exposed to COVID-19 at work.
  • Develop hazard controls using the hierarchy of controls to reduce transmission among workers, including engineering controls to isolate workers from the hazard and administrative controls to change the way people work.
  • Educate employees about the steps they can take to protect themselves at work.
  • Take actions to maintain a healthy work environment for employees and clients.

This page is in addition to CDC webpages designed for employers, such as the CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers and the Resuming Business Toolkit, which provides a Restart Readiness Checklist designed to help employers think through health and safety when resuming business operations.