On September 17, 2021, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health issued a new Public Health Order, effective at midnight on October 7, 2021, and continuing until further notice.
The Health Order emphasizes that “[t]he best way to reduce the current level of community transmission and to prevent future surges is for everyone who is eligible, including those who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection, to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible.” To promote its goal and reduce community transmission of the virus, the Health Order requires:
Outdoor Mega Events
Outdoor Mega Event (events with large crowds greater than 1,000 indoor or 10,000 outdoor attendees): Operators of events that are ticketed or held in a defined space with controlled points of entry must verify the full vaccination status (a photo identification of the attendee and his/her vaccination card) or pre-entry negative COVID-19 viral test of all attendees ages 12 and older, prior to entry to the event.
Bars, Breweries, Wineries, & Distilleries
Between October 7 and November 3, 2021, all patrons must provide proof they have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination for entry into the facility to obtain indoor service. Thereafter beginning on November 4, 2021, all bars, breweries, wineries, and distilleries must require patrons 12 years of age or older to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into the facility to obtain indoor service.
Patrons who do not provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 may be served in and use the outdoor portions of bars, breweries, wineries, and distilleries. In addition, by November 4, 2021, all on-site employees must provide their employer with proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 unless they qualify for an exemption.
Similarly, between October 7 and November 3, 2021, all patrons must provide proof they have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination for entry into the facility to obtain indoor service at a nightclub or lounge. Thereafter beginning on November 4, 2021, all nightclubs and lounges must require patrons to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into the facility to obtain indoor service.
For bars, breweries, wineries, distilleries, and nightclubs, individuals who do not provide proof of partial or full vaccination may use the indoor portion of facilities only:
- As part of their employment to make a delivery or pick-up, provide a service or repair to the facility, or for an emergency or regulatory purpose, all while wearing a well-fitted mask;
- To get to the outdoor portion of the facility or to use the restroom, while wearing a well-fitted mask;
- To order, pick-up, or pay for food or drink to go, while wearing a well-fitted mask.
The new Health Order strongly recommends that restaurant operators reserve and prioritize indoor seating and service for patrons who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Further, the Order recommends that restaurant operators verify the vaccination status of all patrons 12 years of age and older who will be seated indoors. Patrons who cannot provide proof of full vaccination should be served in outdoor portions of the facility where the risk of exposure to the virus is less likely when compared to being indoors.
Verifying Proof of Vaccine
LA Public Health has provided guides on how to verify proof of COVID-19 vaccination and how to verify proof of a negative COVID-19 test.
With respect to verifying proof of COVID-19 vaccination, LA County Department of Public Health recommends:
- Check to see if the name on the vaccination record matches a photo ID, AND
- Check proof of COVID-19 vaccination for vaccination type and date(s)
- If Johnson & Johnson, verify single dose with date 14 days prior to today
- If Pfizer or Moderna, verify two doses with dates. The most recent dose being 14 days prior to today
With respect to verifying proof of a negative COVID-19 test, LA County Department of Public Health recommends:
- Confirm person’s name and, if listed, birthdate on the test result matches his/her photo ID, AND
- The documentation of the COVID-19 test result must show that:
- The test result is negative, AND
- The test was taken within the last 72 hours, AND
- The type of test is antigen or PCR/NAAT COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, AND
- The result is from a laboratory or healthcare or test provider or patient platform for the healthcare provider (e.g., Healthvana) (Note: A COVID-19 self-test, sometimes referred to as “home test,” is not acceptable.)